Signing up for Assistance requirements
How do you get assistance?
The Daviess County Food Bank can provide assistance in completing applications for the Food Bank and other food assistance programs. You can schedule an appointment for help completing applications by phone or email.
Phone: Call (660) 663-2478 and request an appointment, leave us message with your name and phone number.
Send an email requesting an appointment. Include your name and phone number so we can call you.
Below is a Daviess County Food Bank Information Form which can be printed out and completed before you come to your appointment or we can assist you to complete one here at the Food Bank. You must be a resident of Daviess County, Missouri to apply for food benefits.
You need to bring the following to your appointment:
Picture Identification Card
Proof of Address(Phone or utility bill in the name of the applicant)
Proof and Source of Gross Income, either annual or monthly for each household member that brings in income. (Pay stub, proof of public assistance, social security income, disability income, child support, pension or tax document in the name of the applicant)
Social Security Numbers for all household members
Food Bank Open
12o7 South Clay
Gallatin, MO 64640